Wednesday, January 4, 2012


So as some of you know, it has been a difficult week here at our house. The new year was starting out great and working on things when everything came to a halt. Our dear friend was here helping us with a garage furnace that he GAVE us (he is so kind and generous) when he got a tragic and horrific call. His brother had committed suicide. They didn't know where he was. In a moment our friend knew. He knew right where his brother would have gone. As he raced off we all just reeled. Nobody knew what to do, what happened and we more than anything were worried about our friend. All the things going through your mind and to have to be the person who has to see what he had to see. You feel so helpless. All we could do was pray and pray and pray. As the day went on your mind races and you struggle with how you can help. Besides praying you wring your hands and walk in circles. The constant need to help that we all feel. Well after a day or so my chance to help came along. Besides making a meal and listening to him talk and cry and praying for God to comfort his heart and mind; now there was some little thing that I could do. A mutual friend of the family had gone through this before. They had started the Todd Waite legacy foundation for suicide awareness . They just happened to be doing an auction and were looking for donations to keep the foundation going. FINALLY another way to feel like I could help. I could do a painting to be donated. No Picasso, I used what I could to come up with something fitting. You see our friends brother was a hunter, and we all know hunters love to sit in the woods and wait. I also know how much hunters love that first snow to track. I thought how perfect to make a forest of white birches with the first snow starting to fall. So here it is. In Memory of CHAD KING for my dear sweet friends Keith and Michelle. I love you and I hurt for you. I hope in some little way you can see your brother sitting in the woods waiting for that buck to cross his path.
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Good Time Charlie said...

This is so sweet and what a wonderful thing to establish in memory of a loved one. Suicide touches far more families than we are aware, it is something that often goes unspoken, which I think adds to the pain of this. Will definitely be checking out the auction. How blesed your friends are to have a friend like you. Much love, -K

RitaD said...

This is a wonderful tribute to both your friend and his brother. Prayers for all.

stacy said...

the auction is tenatively march 10, 2012 at Ivanrest CRC in grandville. the website to keep updates it

WhyCuzICan said...

Oh Karin :( How sad. I will say a special Prayer for his family and him this evening.


Ginger said...

Love your post and your beautiful painting. It is sooo fitting. My heart goes out to all of you. I will pray for your friends family.

Unknown said...

Karin, I'm so sorry for your loss! What a heartfelt, thoughtful way for you to help!

The money raised from the sale of your painting could help provide the support needed in time to save someone else's brother.

Awesome way to pay it forward! Again, I am so sorry!! Praying for you and your friend's family!!


Becky said...

That is a wonderful way to help out. It is also a beautiful painting as I am also a hunter, well, I sit in the woods with a bow. i would like to know how to bid on it for the King family. I was friends with both Holle and Keith growing up and cannot even begin to imagine how awful this is for any of the family. I am definitely praying for the entire King and Dawson family as they deal with tragic loss.

Art Is Beauty said...

Becky, I couldn't respond to your e-mail, because you were a no-reply commenter...I imagine if you go to the link above
you will be able to find more information on how to bid on an item..
Thank you so much and I hope you get this information.

Unknown said...

so touching. thanks for this great, thoughtful, and precious post.

Unknown said...

Karin how great of you to help. I can't even imagine. All the words I can think of seem so small and inadequate but I wanted to say something anyway. Hugs to you and prayers for all. xo

Dana @ Cooking At Cafe D said...

Oh, I'm so sorry he and his family are going through this. I'm so glad that besides that prayers and shoulder you are offering you could also help to spread awareness be donating to the auction.

It's a lovely painting.
And, the reason for the forest and snow is moving.

May you all experience some calming peace today.
~ Dana

Carol, The Answer Is Chocolate said...

Oh Karin, I am so so sorry. Your piece is a beautiful and wonderful tribute and I can only imagine that it is also a way to start to heal. Hugs.

Carol, The Answer Is Chocolate said...

Just wanted to let you know that I shared this as part of my link party wrap up and features. Feel free to grab a featured button from my sidebar if you like. Thanks again for the inspiration!

Cathy @ My 1929 Charmer said...

How touching a tribute to your friend and his family. I am so sorry for their loss and their pain. The painting is lovely and how nice of you to help. Thanks for sharing at Sunday's Best!

SPH said...

I will definitely be praying for your friend and his family. Also, your painting is amazing! Ann @ Suburban Prairie Homemaker

Journey's End (at the Beach) said...

Karin, I found it. Thank you. I was thinking how we can't see the forest through the trees but the first snow for hunters makes a lot of sense. You said it so wonderfully how helpless a feeling and so not having the words is where I am stuck right now. At the same time, my wheels are turning as to the possiblities of doing 'something'. Thank you