Wednesday, December 23, 2015

DIY build it yourself Vintage Farmhouse Style Coffee Table from Rescued Lumber.

Getting ready for Christmas, so I am RESHARING!

Hello again, My BEAUTIES!!
Boy oh Boy am I excited to show you my latest 

 I have been saving all this found lumber for almost 2 years now and I FINALLY got the time and 
motivation (hubby was ecstatic to get this out of the garage, by the way) 
to create what has been eating my brain for just as long.

 Now most of my regulars know about how I built my own kitchen Table.
But if you are new here, you can see my

 My kitchen table was my motivation for this latest project.
You see when I Dumpster Dove to get all this wood there was a square apron frame
already made sitting in the trash. 
I am assuming it was from an old work bench or work table that had been in the garage of 
the house that I was dumpster diving at. 
The family was selling the house and was gutting the house of everything that they didn't want or need before they sold...It was a score for me~
SO with that frame...I knew what I wanted to do. 
I just needed the TIME (with 4 kids and all my other work that was the hardest part of the whole project) :)
So I gathered all my collected wood pieces and parts that I had salvaged from peoples dumpsters,
and got my plan in action.
 Since the apron frame was already built we just needed to figure out how long we wanted our top boards to be to cover the sides of the apron.
We decided on 51 inches because it gave just the right amount of hang around the outside edge of the apron. 
We measured and cut all our top boards and got to work.
 One of the first things we had to figure out was how TALL we wanted our table to be.
I spent a few minutes walking around to all the coffee tables I have and measured where they landed on my leg..(REAL SCIENTIFIC STUFF HERE, PEOPLE)  :)
with the added thickness of the top boards they would be sitting on we decided on 17 inches for the length.
 This 4x4 was left over from my kitchen table build, That means I have spent ZERO dollars on this project so far.
I cut the 4x4s into 17 inch lengths and put them aside.
 Next we had to measure our cross lats for the apron bracing.
This keeps the apron square, and also adds area to attach the top boards to.
I measured and cut the boards and put 3 Lateral brace boards into the apron.
I used nails to tap them into place just to set them so I could get them even and level to to the top of the apron. When they were set where I wanted them I then screwed them in.
 Once the lateral braces were in ti was time to attach the table top.
Now since my table was already RUSTIC looking I didn't want the added look of screws going from the top down, so we did the same as our kitchen table and screwed from the bottom up.
You just need to be sure your screws are not too long and won't go all the way through the top of the table.
Each brace board got a 2 screws on each of the top boards.
 Here you can see as we are screwing in the lateral brace boards to the table top.
Now it was time to attach the legs. 

 This is where you find out if your cuts were even..:)
We simply sat our legs in the corners and screwed the legs in by the side of the apron
 We decided to counter sink some of the screws since we already had some 
old nails and screws showing from the original table.

 Here I am finishing attaching the last leg and then it was time to see if it was level!!
 We tested it and it was PERFECT...Now it was time to make it ME!!!
I brought it in the back yard and power hosed off a lot of the old gunk and stuff that was on it and left it out a couple days to dry.

Once it was dry I could have my fun!
I used some old Deck stain we had from a previous project and put that on the top.
For the legs I just mixed up some custom exterior paint I had in my basement.
I ended up with the great vintage green color.
At this point I knew I was in Love!
 You see last year I redid my patio.
I had done some outdoor pieces but it needed one more PIECE 
You can see

 I think you will agree!
It just works out there.
I love how its not PERFECT.
Its rustic and little bits of the old apron frame paint pokes through.
 Hubby keeps telling me I need to sell it in my booth.
I keep telling him "I CAN'T" :)

Maybe I can just go COLLECT some more wood and
then I can HAVE this one and I can make a new one for the booth.
SO this beautiful Recycled, Rescued Lumber Vintage Farmhouse style Coffee Table
cost me ZERO dollars to make.
I think that is what makes it even more beautiful.
Lots of discarded little bits of what someone considered trash
put together in a different way and now its something
Kinda like life HUH??
I hope you were inspired to go grab some junk and
make it into something BEAUTIFUL!


Efrain said...

I freakin' love it. I love how you put it all together out of scrap wood.