Wednesday, December 14, 2011

PINTEREST....come to the dark side..:)

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Junky Vagabond said...

Addictive, just like chocolate chip cookies for sure!

WhyCuzICan said...

...loved the part about at least PINNING the recipe on Pinterest! ROTFL

Thanks Karin :D
Smiles, Suz

Unknown said...

mwaaaa!! I love coooookies!!!

Rebecca Scott (aka Otter) said...

HAHAHAHA! Oh I feel ya on this. I JUST got my Pintrest account and I've been busily pinning like a fiend. I'm actually disappointed I don't have it set up on my work computer. ;)

Michele said...

Yep, my newest addiction...I try to convince myself I'm doing "market research" so it's not really wasting time, right?