Thursday, August 6, 2015

Exciting FUN News at the ART is BEAUTY Blog!

I have been hinting to this for a while,
but I can finally now SPILL the beans!

A few months ago I was asked by 
to take a chance on her and her idea.
She was going to get an event started for us Mid West Bloggers.
If you know anything about blogger meet ups they tend to be to out EAST or out WEST.
Not a lot of choices for us IN THE MIDDLE.
It means air travel and time away from family.
I have never been to a conference YET...I just didn't have the TIME..or the MONEY to make a big trip for blogging happen.
But now I finally can.
This event is part of a Randolph Street Market.

It is America's Largest and Liveliest Urban Antique Market with over 300 vendors.
In other words...HEAVEN! 
I get to do a DIY segment on Saturday Afternoon.
My KIDS get to come with me!
They get to be a part of what I do.
How great is that.
If you are a blogger in the MID WEST...this is a great opportunity to meet other bloggers and network.
Be sure to check out the LINK to the Event HERE
Or even if you are Local in the area, come out and say "HI" 
I would love to see some of my readers in REAL LIFE!

 So that's all for now!
I would love if you shared the event and
told your friends. 
We are a bunch of small bloggers with BIG dreams!
We would love to share that dream with you!
Until Next time;
Go make some ones day BEAUTIFUL!