Tuesday, September 20, 2011

green marble table

O.K. I am on the mend. I will hopefully have been working on some more projects by tomorrows post. But here is one I save for just such an occasion. This is how she looks now, all done up and pretty.

But this is how she looked before. Sorry I forgot the before pictures...You know me..got all excited and thought "oh crap"  "I forgot to take the before pic"   :)

This table was a quick easy one since I had some oops paint with primer already in it. I can't remember what brand it was.
This is her, after with her distressing. She turned out perfect. She is now waiting with a few other pieces of furniture to go up in my booth in Changing Thymes.   I hope  you all have a BEAUTIFUL day.

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Youaretalkingtoomuch.com said...

This needs to live at my home! Love, Me www.youaretalkingtoomuch.com

Art Is Beauty said...

Me....Thanks so much for your sweet comment..:)