Good Morning my Beauties.
Today's post is a little different than my normal post.
We have been working on so many projects this summer trying to play catch up.
One of the OH so NOT FUN projects we needed to tackle was putting in a new exhaust fan in our upstairs bathroom.
Now I KNOW what you are thinking...
Believe me...I know..:)
I think the reason it took us so long to tackle this project
was the much understandable LACK of EXCITEMENT
of shopping for an exhaust fan.
Kinda like shopping for FILLINGS for your teeth..
YAH, you need em, but UM....I don't know care what you put in there as long as it doesn't fall out.
You hear me?? :)
Yeah...THAT exciting.
Then while I was working on some other posts and stuff I remembered the sink from
NOT just sinks...
So I looked up Exhaust fans online..
NO NEED to get out of my paint clothes for the oh so exciting task..
NOT just sinks...
So I looked up Exhaust fans online..
NO NEED to get out of my paint clothes for the oh so exciting task..
While online I found this baby!!!
Its actually PRETTY...
Its actually PRETTY...
an Exhaust fan that looks good and does a job..
Say it ain't so!!!
I ordered it and it was here in a matter of days...
Now it was time to install..
Really this is the cruddy part..
not gonna lie...
I mean...
Here is our OLD one..
Honestly..I couldn't get Jimmy Fallons Character out of my head
when we were taking the old one out.
I guess over 15 years will do that to your
exhaust fan.
Once our weather cooled down here
the hubby finally agreed to go up in the attic
to replace it.
It was still hot up there thanks to his BILLIONS and BILLIONS of
layers of insulation (I swear the man would buy stock in it if he could)
You can imagine his excitement at getting to go through our
sons closet to get up into the attic...
crawling through the insulation,
careful to only crawl on the beams,
all to get to the bathroom exhaust fan.
Here you can see me being the OH SO HELPFUL
and hilarious wife and handing him his screwdriver through the old exhaust fan
hole. DOESN'T he look THRILLED.
Once we had removed the old one we cold replace the base of the unit and
affix it to the studs in the ceiling.
He did all the wiring since he has done lots and lots of wiring.
Once it was installed it was time for me to affix the
bulbs and the shade and listen to this baby PURR..
Now you will have to take my word for how pretty it is when its lit up.
Have you ever tried to take a picture of a light..
while its on...
YEAH...its kinda hard.
So I had to take the pic with it off..
But I tell you what..
My kids were astounded the first time they took a shower
and this sucker cleared the room almost
instantly of all the steam.
No More UGLY gross exhaust fans.
We are now HIGH CLASS with our FANCY
pretty Exhaust fan!
for showing me that truly
If you don't believe me head over to National Builder Supply yourself.
I hope you enjoyed today's project
and peek into my bathroom LOL!
Until next time
I received product from national builder supply for review.
All opinions are mine and genuine.
Cause I like you..and wouldn't lie to you. :)
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