Welcome back my Beauties!
This makeover has been a long time coming.
As you can kind of see from the little picture I completed this way
back when the grass was still green and there was none of that white stuff on the ground.
Back in OCTOBER..YES....OCTOBER I made over my basement which you can see HERE
and part of that makeover was this Pub Table set.
The ever awesome Adrianne from
Happy Hour Projects
sweetly messaged me one day saying she was cleaning out her garage and if
I wanted to come pick it up, it was mine...
I heard angels...do you??? ..:)
It was this point that I was deciding what I was going to do to the basement .
My idea to have a table down there for the kids to do homework instead of sitting at the kitchen table yelling at the other kids for bothering them while they worked was formed.
First things first, the table top needed to be sanded and stained.
I did that and sealed the top with poly so that it could take the abuse of the kids doing homework
and eating at it. (I forgot to take pictures of that part..but hey..I had like 5 projects going on at that time)
The next part was the fun part for me.
I pulled out my Homeright Finish Max paint sprayer
made quick work of spraying 4 of the chairs with some antique white enamel paint.
While the chairs were drying and in between coats I quick ran to Joann fabrics and bought this awesome and fun floral graphic fabric.
I used my staple gun
to attach it to the old chair seats.
I will say I am thrilled with how it all came together and how nice it is to have the kids do their homework downstairs and not have as much paper work dropped on the kitchen table as they walk in the door from school.
Plus on Movie nights it great to have the kids be able to eat at a table while watching a movie as opposed to them sitting on the couch dropping food everywhere!
I am so thankful to Adrianne for her gift of her old table.
It has served a great service to our family and I couldn't be happier.
NOW, if I could just get them to use that dang basket!
Oh well...you win some you loose some.
I hope you all enjoyed this makeover even if it took me a few months to getting around to posting about it!
Until next time,
Have a BEAUTIFUL day!
I used my staple gun
Once everything was dry, it was time to put everything back together again.
I even added a little industrial wire basket 
underneath should the SPIRIT ever move them to put their crap away!
(let me just say..its been a few months and the only thing in that basket is my HOPES AND DREAMS of them putting their stuff in their!) :)
Plus on Movie nights it great to have the kids be able to eat at a table while watching a movie as opposed to them sitting on the couch dropping food everywhere!
I am so thankful to Adrianne for her gift of her old table.
It has served a great service to our family and I couldn't be happier.
NOW, if I could just get them to use that dang basket!
Oh well...you win some you loose some.
I hope you all enjoyed this makeover even if it took me a few months to getting around to posting about it!
Until next time,
Have a BEAUTIFUL day!
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