Good Morning my Beauties!
Well I can tell you right now, on our kids first day back to school,
they have a SNOW DAY! :) They are so, I had planned on getting some projects
done once they all went back to school. Looks like I have to wait another day or two..:)
Luckily before all the snow started flying and the temps dropped into the negatives
I finished this project. I had planned on selling it but the minute I brought it into
the house to photograph it the family made a unanimous decision...It was staying...:)
Another project that ended up being a KEEPER!
I nabbed this HANDMADE custom Bow font Corner China Cabinet
at Goodwill! I couldn't believe it. It was all handmade. Someone had made this for someone and they had donated it to Goodwill..I was in awe. Now I was not in love with the oak, and it was not in great shape finish wise but that was something that I knew I could change!
I lightly sanded where any finish was coming up and started painting.
I custom mixed a couple different mineral paints that I had and started at it.
I painted the inside a custom blue green and the outside a creamy white. Once it was dry I distressed just a few areas, waxed and buffed it.
I wanted the appearance that this was a really old piece.
I think I achieved that and I am so happy with the new piece of furniture I had not planned on keeping.
I hope you guys enjoyed this latest furniture makeover and
are enjoying your New Year so far.
Until next time!
Have a BEAUTIFUL day!

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