We are still in Colorado, But I thought I would hit REPLAY.
Showing off some of my paintings...
I have been so INSPIRED while here that I can't wait to get home
to my paints.
So don't mind the talk about cold and snow..:)
We are enjoying summer now.....
Well my Beauties, I don't know about you, but I am GOING
Our weather here in Michigan has been UNENDING, SNOW,
I am surrounded by white and most days, it takes all the energy I can muster just
to SUIT up to leave the house.
Soooo, I have been painting....A LOT!!!
Not Furniture....because..like I said...its been so cold
even turning on the furnace doesn't help.
(I can still see my breath with the furnace running for hours)
So, I have been Painting...PAINTINGS...
This isn't really a DIY..but since I have nothing else to show you,
I thought I would show you these...(one of my biggest passions, they I really do give myself to little time to practice) :)
I had this old canvas that was from a thrift store. I have no idea what was on it before,
but I bought it primed from Goodwill. Someone had the intention of painting something over it,
but never got around to it, and ended up donating..(totally been there SISTER...:))
SO I whipped up what I like to call and Italian AUTUMN tree.
It reminds me of those old Italian paintings with all the symmetrical tall trees.
Well, after that I had some left over paint. I hate to waste paint, so I grabbed another canvas and did a little smaller little different version of the tree.
(I mean....I couldn't throw away good paint) :)
I have been on a major TREE kick...If you notice I love to paint trees.
Something about trees and the fact that they can take on such a human form and
the way the branches sway and the bark gives such a personal feeling that I can't explain.
This winter tree I did a couple weeks ago and Happy to say that this sold at my Booth~
The other painting that I just did was this MYSTIC TREE.
I had started it last year..and got so mad I walked away...FOR A YEAR..
came back and suddenly every thing clicked.
I did this one in iridescent acrylic, so it was very hard to photograph.
I am happy to say, that this painting is also on its way to its NEW HOME.
It just sold LAST WEEK.
I never thought that I would be able to sell my art.
I know I love what I do,
and its just a bonus when someone else supports me by buying one
of my paintings.
Now this....this is going to be hard to let go.
I had been doing so many trees, and I wanted to step outside my
comfort zone.
I had been browsing the internet and
kept seeing all these BEAUTIFUL water paintings.
I am dreaming of spring and summer.
Going to the Beach...
whether it be LAKE or OCEAN..
at this point I don't care..:)
I NEED water...
I NEED warmth..
So I named her COVENTINA.
after the Celtic Goddess of water.
I thought it fit in with our trip to Ireland this past August.
Here is a close up of her body and head..
I am sorry that the pictures are not the best..
but like I said..the WEATHER...
causes such problems for us here in Michigan.
Its so hard to photograph in the Winter
because we have to use so much
incandescent light for everything inside,
and if you take something outside it gets washed out
by all the white snow.
I keep trying to remember our Falls and our Summers when we get our PAYBACKS for our
I also should mention that the Coventina Sold within minutes!
I was so happy...and sad...she is hard to let go.
But its o.k. I have been painting up a storm and
finally figured out how to add a "PAINTINGS FOR SALE" page on
my blog in the MENU...You can see the ones I have available
Look at me...being all technical...LOL!
I hope you guys enjoyed this even though it wasn't a furniture DIY.
Sometimes I just need to break away
from what I am doing and Paint a PAINTING.
It brings me back to ME.
Until next time
Have a BEAUTIFUL day!

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