Good Morning my Beauties!
School is back in session and I already feel like a broken record.
The word BUSY has been efficiently added back into the school year vocabulary.
The kids are getting back into their routines, the hubby into his and me into mine.
Which means I am bustin my bottom to get stuff done for the booth.
Summer is pretty slow for sales so I was able to enjoy that (well actually we did a TON of work around the house so I don't know if ENJOY would be the word...:))
But now its back to Business.
I have trying to figure out what to do with all those free windows I scored this summer while we were camping in Pentwater.
I have made a few fun HOME signs and stuff but was looking to do something different.
I mixed up some custom paint and just kind of slapped it on the window. Knowing I would be scrubbing both sides of the window before I did anything.
Once I had cleaned both sides of the window I flipped it over and decided to do a reverse stencil.
You see I have this AMAZING lady that makes AMAZING stencils and I have been DYING
to put the Vintage Bike advertisement from the GRAPHICS FAIRY on something.
I didn't however want to HAND Transfer it like I have before.
So I asked her if she cut one for me.
I am not kidding you when I tell you my TOES curled when I saw the stencil.
I was so EXCITED with the detail she was able to keep while making this intricate stencil.
If you need a stencil made Loren is your Gal.
You can find her at BROWN BAG STENCIL CO.
I laid the stencil on mirror image
so that when I painted on the back of the glass
it would read correctly once I flipped the window around.
When the paint was dry, I used a spray poly to cover the whole thing. It gives the window and even more vintage FROSTED feel while also helping to protect and seal the paint.
Here it is hanging up at my booth at Changing Thymes Grandville.
Its so hard to get a good picture with the glass reflecting everything in site.
But I hope you can see how vintage and fun it turned out.
I honestly haven't had this much fun with a stencil in a long time.
Now I am just afraid I am going to run out of WINDOWS!!!!
ALSO, Later this week I will be doing a GIVEAWAY.
The winner will get a $50 credit to Brown Bag Stencil Co!!!
Head over NOW to ENTER...
You can Enter HERE!!
You don't want to miss it!
ALSO, Later this week I will be doing a GIVEAWAY.
The winner will get a $50 credit to Brown Bag Stencil Co!!!
Head over NOW to ENTER...
You can Enter HERE!!
You don't want to miss it!
I hope you enjoyed this fun tutorial.
I just wish I could get a better picture of that darn GLASS :)
Until next time.
Go make someones day BEAUTIFUL!

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