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Can you even believe that 2014 is at an end?
I am always amazed as I get older how FAST
the years go.
This year was no exception.
I thought I would reminisce a little and
go over some of my favorite projects to 2014.
Going Back all the way to almost the beginning of 2014
Somewhere around February
was this Rescued Bench.
This was a fun project because it was an old beat up brown bench
and by adding the bright color and the graphic it changed it into
something I almost had to keep for myself :)
You can see the full makeover HERE
The next favorite was a dresser I needed to do for my Baby girl.
You can see the whole makeover of her NEW ORLEANS Purple dresser HERE.
Next up was this simple little vintage Cosco Rolling Cart.
You see them all the time but I wanted to give mine a fun little
I gave this beat up old rolling
cart a MOD makeover into a cocktail cart.
You can see that full transition over HERE
Another of my favorites was the ANCHOR DRESSER
This was really fun.
As I look back I see how much I was influenced by my dads old Navy uniform.
I had no idea when I did it, but now as I look back I can see
how much of an impression his photos and old coats had on my brain.
You can see the full transformation HERE
Next up was this fun little BEACHY BENCH MAKEOVER
Nothing crazy, just a simple and quick makeover, but it made all the difference for this bench.
You can see that makeover HERE
I also would be CRAZY if I didn't add my PATIO MAKEOVER
to the list.
After the whole Electrical fire and painting of the exterior of the home
this was one project that really was fun.
Looking back at this really has me missing summer.
watching the kids run around like maniacs in the back yard and friends over
for grilling out.
You can see how awful this space looked before and how it was transformed into this
I was asked to HACK this Ikea dresser and I decided to go MOD with it.
You can see the FULL transformation
You can see the FULL transformation
Another Favorite which also almost became a keeper was this
I called her a Diva because after what I went through to transform her she kind
of did get a little DIVA-ish. :)
But she deserved it.
You wouldn't believe what she looked like before.
You can see the full DIVA transformation HERE
Last but not Least, how could I NOT include
in the roundup!
After all the work that went into this room
it HAS to be my absolute FAVORITE of the YEAR!
Plus the fact that is totally and utterly for ME..
which is hard to come by around here,
makes it even more special.
You can see the full transformation HERE
It really is so good to do these year end roundups.
As I was writing it up and looking at the first projects of the year, I had NO IDEA in my mind even
that I would have my own Studio by the End of the year.
Honestly, it is truly amazing what can happen in a single year.
It also shows me how hard I worked.
It allows me to see that even though I was having fun and being creative;
that I truly was putting my blood sweat and tears into my work.
I was never really a BUSINESS person, but I see now the whole YEAR END REPORT
A way to look back to see if I was putting my heart into it still.
I believe the answer is 100% yes. :)
If not more!
So I guess, until I start doing these year end reports and not being happy with what I see..
I will keep on doing what I love.
I want to THANK YOU for allowing me to do what I love and
reading about it and following me along.
I don't always put my best effort into
the Social Media part of it,
So I guess that's the part of the report where I may get a below average mark..
But I am OK with that. I am not super woman..I know that and I know
that all I can do is try my best.
I hope you will continue to join me on this amazing journey.
If you would like to HELP me on my SOCIAL MEDIA
portion of the report I would love it.
You can do that by following me on the many platforms.
I figure you and I together can get me a better Grade next year on my Social Media
portion of the report.
Sound like a Plan?
You want to see some more Favorites of 2014?
Then be sure to check out some other fun favorites!
Good....then until NEXT YEAR......
Go have a Super Gorgeous Wonderful Terrific BEAUTIFUL, Day!
If you would like to HELP me on my SOCIAL MEDIA
portion of the report I would love it.
You can do that by following me on the many platforms.
I figure you and I together can get me a better Grade next year on my Social Media
portion of the report.
Sound like a Plan?
You want to see some more Favorites of 2014?
Then be sure to check out some other fun favorites!
Good....then until NEXT YEAR......
Go have a Super Gorgeous Wonderful Terrific BEAUTIFUL, Day!

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