I can't believe its been almost a year since I redid my bedroom.
Since we have had TONS of snow..and SNOW days, I have had no time to work.
So for your viewing pleasure I thought I would hit REPLAY on this makeover from last year.
I still love this room and it still makes me feel like a princess when I am in there..(at least when its clean..LOL)
Good Morning my Beauties!
This was another Doozie of a post....
I wonder how many times I say that...They all seem to be doozies..:)
I hadn't PLANNED on redoing our master bedroom, BUT..you know how things go..
I had painted our bedroom about 2 years ago...bought a new comforter..but put all the other stuff right back in...ever since then I haven't been feeling it..
We have had our 4 poster Queen Anne Rice bed since we got married..
I loved it as it was a pedestal bed (very high off the ground)
but I had been craving a lighter, shabbier...Frenchier bedroom..
So as many stories start..".it started early one morning"...I saw this BEAUTY ON craigslist for
$50.....Thats it...She had to be mine...I could already see it in my mind how shabby and
beautiful she would be.
Of course when I finally went to pick up the bed the guy had some "someone offered me $65 for it so if you still want it, its gonna be $65 instead of $50)
Now normally if I had been planning on reselling it I would have told him to
"kiss my grits" but since it was for me..I knew I would NEVER find a deal like this for MY bed.
My daughter and I crammed it into the back of my suburban with one of the legs sticking out of the back window like a giant fish hook...I had to make sure I didn't catch any other cars on my way home..
I set it up right away in the garage and as soon as my daughter and I got it out of the car
It started to downpour...(whew..close one) and since it was unseasonably warm...I started to paint!!
(well and the fact that I am INCREDIBLY impatient)...:)
Speaking of Impatient....this was at 8:30 am the next morning....my older girls had late start that morning and
they helped me dismantle my HUGE poster bed and get it into the hallway..
and help me put this together before they left for school.
(since I used the Ce Ce Caldwells Vintage white on it, it was dry when Hubby got home from
Lab at the University..he helped me carry the headboard up that first night cause I knew there
was NO WAY I was gonna be able to wait for him to get home from work the next day to get started on my room.
Once I got it set up..I put my wax on and waited for it to cure while I went tearing apart the rest of the room.
Now just for those of you that like the "keeping it real" thing..
This is real life..this is what my antique dresser looked like..My dumping ground for all my jewelry
and what ever else makes its way there...(just in case you think I am nuts and keep my house clean 24-7) Ask my hubby he will let you know...that's not true..LOL.
Here is my bed in all her glory...I got the vintage damask dust ruffle
and the handmade afghan for the same price...2 of the cream shams..$2...I mean Seriously!
The quilt
All the furniture..the end tables....Free from a dumpster dive..(I went and shopped my own booth)
That was a riot watching the girls that work there laugh at me as I tore apart my 2 booths to get my nightstands..
The armoire.....FREE...yup you heard me...F....R...E....E...
one of my favorite 4 letter "F" words.. :)
I will do that post next week...It used to be an entertainment center
and I turned it into my own little FRENCH wardrobe
My Chaise
I had to steam clean the heck out of it..but it was worth it..
and my nice clean dresser...(for now) who am I kidding...it will end up looking the same..LOL..
but for now I am enjoying it...:)
Total cost..(not including the chaise, cause I already had that)
$171 .....Can you believe it..I am still in awe..
I never thought I would be able to have a new bed and furniture for that..
(although I did pay a ton in sweat equity)
Its worth it...I crawled into my bed that first night and
slept like a shabby chic French princess...LOL
Have a BEAUTIFUL day!!!
Now while I have you here, I also am asking if you feel like it to go over to Apartment Therapy
and vote for my BLOG for the HOMIES
You can click directly on this link to be taken right there.
I would love you more than I already do..:)
Thanks for checking out this post..
I love your new room! Everything looks so pretty. What a great deal on that bed. You did a great job with it all!! Have a great weekend ~ Jamie
Oh, Karin! It is GORGEOUS, GORGEOUS, GORGEOUS!!!! That bed is to die for and $65 is an absolute STEAL! (Although poo on that guy for raising his price. Jerk! LOL!) I am soooooo jealous of your chaise. $24! You gotta be kidding me! Your new space looks like absolute french perfection and I know you are absolutely loving it! Good job, girl! It's fantastic. Very romantic... Does Russ think so? LOL!!!!
It's beautiful!! Love your new bedroom. You found some great pieces, even though the price was raised, you now have a priceless new room! Enjoy!
I love your bed! It's gorgeous! But what the heck is up with the guy from Craigslist?! Who does that?? I don't think that's fair. First come, first served. How does he know the other buyer would have even showed up! Oh well. At least you still got the bed and it was still a great price! :)
Oh Karin... how romantic. The bed is, well to die for! Price is awesome. But he was a tool for raising the price wasn't he.Worth it though. It is so beautiful.
Hugs, Gee
Oh my goodness - it's gorgeous!! And that bed... so lovely!
OH HOW GORGEOUS! I love the wall color, too! It looks beautiful-every bit of it- xo Diana
Shut your mouth right now?! Is that the same bed? I just totally had to come look before I head out- and must say I am very very jealous! I want to lounge in that baby-- !! Enjoy girl- wow you earned the lounging..it turned out AMAZING!! Sweet Dreams Pumpkin!
You are so funny! The price tags are still on the night stands. :) You did a fabulous job on all of this and certainly the price is right! The headboard is just gorgeous. I wish I had your energy...can't believe you did so much in so little time. Yay!
You changed the curtains too, right? The whole room is gorgeous...just trying to take it all in. Beautiful!
You are so funny! The price tags are still on the night stands. :) You did a fabulous job on all of this and certainly the price is right! The headboard is just gorgeous. I wish I had your energy...can't believe you did so much in so little time. Yay!
You changed the curtains too, right? The whole room is gorgeous...just trying to take it all in. Beautiful!
Love the bed & the redo. I'm looking for a king size bed with an arch for one of our guest rooms.
Question: would your husband allow you to paint the closet doors? I think they'd look awesome painted the color of the trim, with a stencil design in a slightly different color.
You are a shabby chic French Princess! Rock on girlfriend!! I hope you're nestled up in your new space just chilaxin' with your hubby tonight! You're a riot!! Everything looks great!!
love the bed, the details....the chaise and what heart styled light spots....really a cool look
What great work-and on a budget!
My favorites are the bed and the chaise - always wanted one of those in my bedroom for reading!
Small House / Big Sky Donna / White Oak Studio Designs / SW Michigan
Hand-Painted Vintage Furniture Transformations
Blog: http://smallhouseunderabigsky.wordpress.com
Facebook: donnaallgaierlamberti@facebook.com (for portfolio of chalk painted work)
Absolutely love it! Sweet Dreams!
à la perfection Chère Madame Karin Chudy.
Très beau
Simply gorgeous! My favorite part is actually the little dress form on your dresser, I love dress forms. :)
So pretty, your bed looks so pretty now that it was painted lighter, completely transforms it. You room is completely transformed for less than $200, wow, that's all I can say. I would have a hard time getting out of bed in the morning!
What an amazing transformation! I'm always in awe of the power of paint... beautiful! -Patti
I LOVE it!!! I think I'm still in shock about the guy raising the price!! In all my years of selling and buying on Craigslist I have NEVER had that happen. I think I would have been totally floored! Like you though, I would have still bought it if it was for me. Love the chaise too... great buy!! Yay for keeping it real!! Love it!! :)
Gorgeous!! Love it!!
Your bed, in fact your entire bedroom, looks beautiful. You did a terrific job on all!
That bed is fabulous! And CeCe Caldwell paint sure is good for impatient painters!
love your work and it all looks like picture perfect vignettes. :D Thanks for sharing.
lovely, lovely, I bet you truly enjoy sleeping in there now!
Princess, you did good and deserve that big ole gorgeous bed.
I am in awe as well. Your bedroom makeover is wonderful. Congrats on being featured at FMFPTY! Patti@OldThingsNew
It's gorgeous! Thanks for linking up at my Pin Me Linky Party.
Wow, I want to go shopping with you.I love that bed! Your room looks great.
This is gorgeous! You did such a great job!
Beautiful job! I love your new bedroom and I love the cost even more! Thanks so much for linking up at Transformed Tuesday. Hugs, Peggy~PJH Designs
Definitely getting the "Frenchier" vibe here. :D Love the word and your take on this. Isn't it great when it all finally comes together? We are preparing to redo our bedroom after living here for 14 years, and it needed a makeover even back then. So I am in the throws of collecting ideas and images. Thanks for sharing your inspiration.
It looks fantastic! We soooo have the same taste ;). Why don't you stop by my linky party (goes till Friday at 5pm). Link up some more of your projects (send your friends too!). I can't get enough of your great redo projects! Here's the URL! http://wonderfulathome.blogspot.com/2013/02/the-most-creative-week-linky-party.html?m=1
Have a lovely day!
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