Well hello again my BEAUTIES!
Whats this? 2 posts in a row...???
I know! I couldn't even believe it..
but my mind had a little vacation while "on vacation"
on now its loaded with Ideas!
Here is a little tutorial on how I customized my Thrift store Luggage.
I have been on the hunt since this winter for a hard side, full size pull behind with spinner wheels suitcase..We go to Ireland in August for our 20th anniversary and I really wanted a Hard Side
for the long trip..(I am a bit EXCITED if I haven't mentioned it)
But being the cheapskate/thrifty :) person that I am..I just couldn't make
myself spend 200 smacka-roos on a SUITCASE..holy crap...I don't even spend
that on running shoes...(those are my most expensive expense)
So..literally this week, after scouring every Goodwills and Thrift shops
for a nice hardside suitcase with wheels I informed my Hubby;
that this was it..I was going to BUY a NEW suitcase..
BUT THEN.......
I walk into goodwill and almost a brand spanking new AMERICAN TOURISTER..
Hard Side, FULL SIZE with spinny wheels SUITCASE......
for $9.99.....SHUT......UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I threw that sucker in my cart and pretty much SKIPPED to the register! :)
Of course once I got it home I need to BEAUTIFY it...
I couldn't leave it PLAIN...that just wouldn't be....well........ME!!
I grabbed my Krink Permanent Paint pen
and got started..
I knew I wanted something Simple....but FUN!
so I went with my GO-TO DOGWOOD!
I sketched out with chalk on my suitcase....
Then, used my Krink Markers to draw on the design...
I even put my website on it...(hey..doesn't hurt to advertise..:))
So there you go...When this sucker SHOOTS outta the luggage carousel...
(if it doesn't get lost) I will for sure know which suitcase is MINE!!!
I wonder how the hubby will feel pulling that thing for me..LOL
I hope you enjoyed this little extra tutorial...
Have a BEAUTIFUL day!!!

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