Good Morning my Beauties!! I hope you
are in the mood for a picture heavy post!
As most of you know I painted my living room on a whim about a month ago..
I just NOW, FINALLY got around to photographing it now that it is back together.
It took me a while, because it meant...getting that dang laundry that needed to be folded and brought upstairs off of the couch, and you know why it took so long...Pretty sure there is only a 20 second span when the living room is clean and able to be photographed before some mess
somehow finds its way into the living room. :)
Anywhoo, while walking through Lowes one day I got a bee in my bonnet or bug up my bottom or whatever you want to call it and decided AT THAT MOMENT I was painting my living room...:)
Its how my brain works..I spent no time wondering and figuring anything out..just was walking in lowes to buy something else and saw a cute paint swatch and said...That's it. I bought my paint and went home and started slapping on paint as soon as I walked in the door. I knew with this method, there was NO TURNING BACK NOW...Like I said..its how I roll...literally...:) If you remember from before..
that orange chair upside down in the picture was the reason I made over the living room before without painting...Its a sleepy hollow chair that I scored for 10 bucks at goodwill and the room is done around THIS CHAIR..You can see that first makeover HERE.....
You can also see how the fireplace came to be in our living room. It was also purchased from Goodwill (Pretty much everything but the couches in my living room have come from goodwill or thrift stores)
You can see the transformation of the fireplace HERE..It used to be a golden oak color.
Once the painting it was done, it was time to put everything BACK TOGETHER.
First my little vignette spot, where I display pictures and some of my old camera collection.
The dresser was again from goodwill. The post of the makeover on that is HERE.
The lamp was also from GW and it still had the $120 department store sticker on it, I got it for $9 and the clock for $10.
The only thing I needed to buy for the makeover was the curtains and the rug, I was at target and I always keep paint swatches in my purse for JUST SUCH AN OCCASION and the rug was on clearance for $70 and it matched perfectly. Its a wool rug and its got the big puffy shag to it with the blues and the tans in it. The curtains were a 2 panel set for only $20 bucks each set.
In the background you can see the shelf I made. I went out to my garage and grabbed a piece of barnwood, cut it to size and grabbed two brackets from my HARDWARE drawer (you know where you keep all the odds and ends you save when you deconstruct something) I put my birchtree painting that I painted on that shelf and my ALL MY DAYS Painting behind my sleepy hollow chair
Here is my Mantle for Autumn. I have my bird painting that I did and my fun little pumpkins.
Here you can see the fireplace a little better.
On my TO DO list that is a million miles long is my cedar chest. I bought it to makeover since the top is in bad shape and someone at sometime had glued the pieces back on the front and the glue bled under the finish so the finish is blotchy, but I love the rustic beat up beauty of it and have yet to paint it.
and the favorite part of my living room. My 10 dollar vintage globe lamp sitting on top of my vintage suitcase that I only had to pay $5 a piece for!
It makes me smile every time I walk in and see it.
So there you have it! The reveal finally. I am sure it will change again, but that is the life I lead..:)
I hope you enjoyed this post,
and mostly I hope you have a BEAUTIFUL day!
Until next time,
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