You can't believe how excited I am for this giveaway! I have worked with KRINK before on a Giveaway and they were Generous enough for my 1 year Blogging anniversary to offer up to you another full set of the K-42 permanent paint pens. This is a $150 value.
This time since THE PEOPLE...(you guys) have spoken I am going to break them up so that 3 different people will win a set of 7 Krink Markers.
Most recently I have used these pens on my latest Dogwood Dresser Makeover. You can see the link to this recent Project HERE. I am also excited to say that I am working on another one right now and can't wait for you to see it tomorrow.
You may remember me gushing about how much I love these pens. I have used them on so many of my projects. You can see how I used them on my daughters doll armoire HERE
I also used it on one of my favorite projects so far; my home made chalk paint and Krink Marker Peacock table. You can see that transformation HERE
ultimate creative tool, the K-42 paint marker is easy to use and comes
in a wide range of stunning colors. Featuring a broad-tip with valve
action, the artist can lay down an abundance of color while strictly
regulating the ink's flow. Without using any harmful solvents the K-42's
vibrant colors are permanent and fade and water resistant. 10 ml

Now for the details of the giveaway!
1st- you need to be a follower of the blog, either through Linky or email
Come back here and leave a comment saying you did...that is one entry.
2nd- go to my Facebook page HERE and come back here
leaving a comment saying you did so...2nd entry
3rd- go to KRINKs Facebook page HERE and LIKE them and come back here
leaving a comment saying you did so. 3rd entry.
4th- SHARE the giveaway and comeback here and tell me
where you shared it and leave a comment 4th entry
So there you have it....4 chances for 3 people to win this amazing giveaway!
Hurry up and enter, as the drawing will be June 28, 2012
Good Luck and Have a BEAUTIFUL day.
1 – 200 of 203 Newer› Newest»I follow you through linky and email
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I like them on fb
Thanks for this giveaway!
I follow you on FB
Also follow you through my rss reader
and followed krinks on FB too...fingers crossed , I'd love to give these pens a whirl
I am an email subscriber ,
Like you on Fb :)
Like Krink on FB!
I shared the giveaway on FB :) thanks for the chance to win such an awesome prize!
I follow via Linky!
I {love} Art is Beauty on Facebook
I liked Krink on Facebook!
Sharing on my Facebook page!!
Thanks so much for the chance!
I'm a follower. I've never used a paint pen and would love to try.
Liked you on FB.
Liked Krink on FB.
I like you in all ways - and follow your fabulous blog!
liked you and krink on fb aslo sharing the giveaway!!!
I am a follower, and have been for some time!!
New face book follower! GREAT WORK!!
Have been following Krink on FB. Very intrigued and would love to try this product!!
Would love to share giveaway, but in the process of moving from blogger to WordPress so when I win, I will post about it after I have had a chance to play!! Positive thinking!!
Subscribed by email!
Left a post on your fb page, that I've only been following forever,lol.
Went to KRINK's fb page but I've already liked them and you cannot comment on their page.
I am a follower :)
I "like" your facebook page!
I "like" KRINK's facebook page!
I "like" KRINK's facebook page!
Okey dokey, I shared a link to here on my fb page about your KRINK giveaway!
Thanks so much for doing all this!
I am a follower!! Not sure how I wasn't before I check in often!! ~ Lori
I've liked you on facebook forever!! :)
I went to Krink's fb and liked them too!!~ Lori
I shared it on my business facebook page!! Vintage Charm Restored :) Thanks for the chance at an awesome giveaway!!
shared.....already like you and krink on fb. Follow your blog. Love your stuff. Bought my first piece to refinish this past weekend. Would love to win and use them on my project. thanks for the giveaway.
Thanks for the great giveaway! I just liked your page and I'm looking forward to learning more.
Ok, I've also gone to the Krink page and LIKED them!
Ok, We are Linky Linked!
follow thru rss feed but signed up for emails but they are always delayed.
already a fan on fb thanks
liked krink on fb
shared the giveaway on twitter here
I am so thrilled that you are running this giveaway! I liked your FB page!
I am doubling glad you are running this giveaway so I shared it on my FB page!
Super thrilled about Krink so I liked their page!
I signed up to be a follower of your blog so I can keep up to date on your creativity! You go girl!
I follow through email.
I liked Krink on Facebook.
I liked Art is Beauty on Facebook.
I am a follower of your blog.
I went to your Facebook page and I liked your page.
I also went to the Krink Facebook page and I liked them as well.
I have liked KRINKs on FB
I am now a follower, not sure why I have not found you before now. :)
I have liked you on FB, so now I can keep up with your creativity. :)
I have shared your giveaway on my FB.
I am now a follower of your blog.
I have liked you on facebook :)
Have liked Krink on facebook.
I shared your link on FB
I liked Krink on FB
I like you on FB
I follow your blog by email
Thanks for the intro to a ngreat product. I am a follower via email.
I like (love) you on FB. Thanks for the inspiration and the opportunity to own these wonderful pens.
I like Krink on FB
I shared the contest on FB!
Hi there, Michalea Barrett from Refabulated Vintage & Retro Furniture of Niagara here. I am now following you on linky follow, I've shared you on my business page and personal page on facebook and what else was I suppose to do ... ? I don't know.
Michalea Barrett
Ok so I also liked their page on facebook. :)
I'm a follower of your blog! Thanks! ~Lori
I follow you on facebook as well!
I follow Krink on facebook! Thanks! ~Lori
I am a ritual stalker of your FB page. I couldn't have my cup of coffee in the morning without a little hit of Art is Beauty! :)
I follow your blog religiously. ;)
I already follow Krink from your last giveaway. :)
And I shared the giveaway through my FB page! Done! Good luck everyone! Whoever wins these babies is SUPER lucky!
I now follow you through e-mail.
I "Like" you on Face book.
I "Like" Krink on Facebook.
Liked your Facebook page!
Following blog by email
Like Krinks FB page!
Hi Karin! I'm a follower of your blog! Thank yo for the giveaway!
I follow you on facebook!
I'm following Krink on facebook!
Shared on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus
I am already a follower of yours
I liked krinks on facebook
I shared this giveaway on my facebook page
I went ot your facebook page and looked around thank you for havign the giveaway I have been wanting a cake stand real bad
I have done three of the steps :)
I am a follower via email
I liked Krink on facebook
I have been a long time follower of your blog and liked you on FB ages ago. Just finding out about the pens...they are amazing so went and liked their page and look forward to trying them out very soon. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win some!!!!!
Like you on FB.
Follow you via email.
Liked Krink on FB.
Liked Krink on FB.
Liked krink on FB.
Shared on my FB page.
Your peacock table has truly inspired me to begin my own drop leaf table I would love the pens to really make it pop! :) I just "liked" krink on now I will see several krink posts that will make me want these pens all the more. Please consider this as one entry into your fabulous contest.
You know I follow you....
and like you on FB....
I liked Krink on FB too!
And I shared the giveaway at my FB page. Hmmmm, I felt like I was heading into a little rhyme there with my comments. I messed it up.
followed via email:
followed you on facebook :)
Like Krink on facebook :)
shared on twitter:
I am a follower through email, and I love it!!!! :)
I follow Art is Beauty on FB!
I follow Krink on FB! Thanks for the giveaway!
I shared the giveaway on Twitter.
I liked your page on FB
I liked KRINK on FB
I am following your blog via Email
shared this giveaway on my fb page!
Hi Karin ~ I'm following your awesome and spectacular blog:) Shelly Andrade
Liked you ~ lol, already did:) Shelly Andrade
Shared your link... on my timeline and on my Shizzle LLC facebook page:) Shelly Andrade
Liked Krink's FB page too:) Let the giveaway begin! Shelly Andrade
"Like" your fb page :)
"Like" Krink's fb page too :)
Shared giveaway on my fb page & Pinterest.
I'm a follower through both Linky and email. Count me in for this great giveaway :)
I follow you on Facebook :)
I follow Krink on Facebook :)
I subscribe to your (fun!) blog.
Like you on FB! Beautiful page you have set up there.
I love these pens, and I liked Krink on FB, too.
I just subscribed to your blog. Thanks for the chance to win!
I just liked you on Facebook!
I just liked Krink on Facebook.
I like you on FB
I'm an email subscriber. Love this contest!
Great contest! I follow you on facebook too!
I am an email subscriber!
I also like you on FB!!
just became a follower through email. Like your site and this giveaway looks awesome, thanks!
Went to FB and left a comment, a first for me...big time!
I'm following you with e-mail! :)
Also (unrelated to contest) I've added you to my favorite inspirations on my blog,
Great work on here!
Also, I liked you on FB, and also liked KRINK on FB.
Fingers crossed, and see your new post soon, I hope!
I "Liked" you on facebook! Great Giveaway!
I am a new Linky follower too!
Went to FB and "Liked" KRINKs Facebook page. I so hope I win!
Shared the Giveaway on my FB page.
I am a follower
susand1408 at gmail dot com
I follow you on pinterest now (why didn't I think of that before?!)
I follow you on Linky!
Now following you via linky.
I seen your beautiful Dogwood dresser the other day using these great Krink paint pens. They're nowhere to be found near me, 130 miles is closest store. So entering to win~here's crossing my fingers and toes!
Following you!!
"Liked" your FB page!
"Liked" Krink's FB page, too!!
Shared it on my blog! (I really hope I win these things - Krinks look AWESOME!)
Shared your contest on my facebook page!
rebecca zuber
Rebecca Zuber
rebecca Zuber
storme vanover
storme vanover
storme vanover
Thanks for hosting the giveaway :) I follow you via Linky Followers
I ''LIKE'' you on Facebook :)
I ''LIKE'' Krink on Facebook :)
I shared your awesome giveaway on Twitter :)
Hi I follow your blog by email thank You!
I already follow you on Facebook! Thanks
I liked Krink on FB. Thank You!
And I shared your fabulous giveaway on my FB page! Thanks You so much!
1, 2, 3 and 4 shared on FB
All done!
I shared the giveaway on my facebook 1,2,3,4 enteries
I already follow your blog
I already liked Krinks
I went to your fb page
I went to your FB page! Thanks!
Following you by email! Thanks!!!
Went to the Krink FB page and Like it!!!
Shared you great giveaway on FB! Thanks!
Subscribed to your blog.
Liked your Facebook page. :)
Liked Krinks Facebook page. :)
Shared your contest page. :)
I already follow you via linky. :D
I already like you FB. :D
I liked Krink on FB.
Shared on my FB page!
Jayne Cooper Börzsei
Jayne Cooper Börzsei
squealing in at the last minute to get my name in the pot...I already love your page
I like Krink on FB :)
1. Now following your blog!
2. Like'd your page!
3. Like'd Krink's page!
4. Share'd your giveaway on my page (Eight 26 Designs)
Thank you!!!
I follow you via email!
I follow you on FB!
I follow Krink on FB!
i follow you via linky!
i follow you via Facebook :)
following by email address
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