Happy Harvest!!!
I know its a bit early (at least for me)
to be thinking about fall decorating..
but according to HOBBY LOBBY; I am already LATE!
(They have all their Christmas stuff up already)
transfer it to the board.
Then I set to painting it in with my Brown acrylic paint
and I also added some cute little pumpkins on the end.
I am now only 1 season behind now.
I hope you have a BEAUTIFUL day!

Great minds and all. I too drug some scrap pieces in to do signs this week. Been towing with doing an open house soon.
Luv your sign :-)
Need to get my butt in gear!
CHeers, Gee
I'm ready for fall now!
Great sign. I've been "doing" signs lately too! It's so much fun.
That is so nice! Great job and thanks for the inspiration!
Nicely done. Great idea ... that would look good on one of my toolbox totes. Gotta get busy on that. Thanks for the inspiration.
Audrey Z. http://audreyzumwalt.blogspot.com/
Timeless Treasures.
Cool sign! Love the color and the font!
Just found your blog and I love it...Following on facebook
I love this plaque! I love how easily you painted the letters! Great job!
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